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Week of Possibilities unites AbbVie employees around the world with a single purpose: to give back to our local communities through volunteering.

Supporting local communities is at the heart of AbbVie's culture, and there is no greater example of this than our annual Week of Possibilities. AbbVie employees around the world come together through volunteering to embrace our shared commitment of giving back by collaborating with our nonprofit partners to make a real impact in our local communities.


What Week of Possibilities means, in your own words.


We’re teaming up with nonprofits around the world to give back to our local communities.

Abbvievolunteers return to serving global communities through Week of Possibilities


During our last Week of Possibilities in 2019, we had 8,300 employee volunteers globally, resulting in:


children inspired to read, play and be curious


people benefiting from improved local community centers


seniors received support and companionship


schools and community centers updated